Sunday 6 January 2013

Arrival in Harlaxton

Kelcie, Alex, and I arrived at Harlaxton Manor on January 4th. It is such a beautiful place! There is so much to explore and we have gotten lost countless times in the mansion already......
There is a town called Grantham only a few miles away that a shuttle will take us to any day of the week. That is where we go to buy things we forgot to pack (or in my case, the things my dad threw out of my suitcase) and to go to church. 

This is me with my roommate Katie (in the purple), kelcie, corinne, and Amy at a formal dinner in the manor

This is the Long Gallery inside of Harlaxton where we ate our dinner. Look at how elaborate every room is!!!

We keep very busy ever single day, they dont give us much time to rest! I'm having a blast here, but at this point I would just like to sleep for an entire day to catch up. I start classes tomorrow and this coming weekend we go on a school trip to London. exciting!

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