Monday 25 February 2013

Edinburgh, Scotland

So once again, this is a very late post, but I've been so busy lately that it's hard to take the time to sit down and write!
Kelcie and I went to Edinburgh all by ourselves!!! we were so proud :)
We stayed in a hostel which we were really impressed with. It was nice and it had a restaurant/bar attached that had live music at night.

We saw Edinburgh Castle which is the inspiration for the Harry Potter castle.

For the rest of the first day that we got there we just walked around Edinburgh and looked at the city, it's so pretty!

The next day we woke up and climbed Arthurs Seat! It's a mountain....and let me tell's quite the hike. Kelcie and I had to force ourselves to keep climbing so that two little kids behind us wouldn't pass us up! But once we got to the top it was totally worth it. You could see the entire city!!!

this is the top, absolutely gorgeous! and we had a WONDERFUL day to climb. It's usually freezing in England so we thought Scotland would be worse since it's north of us....but it was actually warmer! and sunny! I got some sun!!!

Afterwards we went to a cute little Cafe called the Elephant House. This is the place where J.K. Rowling wrote the first two Harry Potter books. 

This is the table J.K. Rowling would sit at when she wrote her books. It's the perfect view for the Castle that inspired Hogwarts!

The bathroom is COVERED in notes to J.K. Rowling. We found this funny the "entrance to the chamber of secrets" haha. You would only get this if you have watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets....
This is another one. "This way to the ministry". Again, you would only get it if you've seen harry potter, sorry!

After lunch we went on an underground tour. The new city of Edinburgh is built on top of the old city and you can actually walk some of the streets underneath, it's pretty neat! 

This picture kind of shows you where we were. Underneath this bridge in what they call the "vaults". The merchants used to use them for their work. Like, shoe makers would hire people and rent out one of the vaults and the workers would be in there all day everyday making shoes. This went on for a long time until they closed them due to the terrible working conditions.

Edinburgh is a very cool place!!! apparently it's #10 on the top ten places to visit, whoo hoo!

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