Monday 4 February 2013

Liverpool/Lincoln weekend

I know this is a really late post, but I might as well do it!
Last weekend I went to Lincoln on Friday and Liverpool on Saturday.

Okay, so the school took all of the students to Lincoln on Friday for a field trip. It's a cool little city, but it was so cold I can't even remember everything we looked at! whoever told me that England stays around 55 degrees and never snows is in trouble......
So the professors started off by taking us on a "Roman Walk Tour" where we walked (in the freezing cold) around to all of the Roman ruins that have been left. The Romans took over England for a while but don't ask me the dates because I was to busy thinking about how I was going to defrost myself at the time. It was actually pretty neat, they showed us how low the city was when the Romans took over and how high they have the ground because they built over it. There was also a sewage system and then an arch which is the only one in the world that is still working. and as in working I mean that it sits over the road and cars drive under's a picture because I'm not the best at explaining....

This arch was placed so that the Romans would know anyone that went in or out of the city. pretty neat! They had others of course but this is the last one standing.

There's the saying that all roads lead to Rome......well this one literally does. At least, that's what I was told.

Next they took us to the castle. They mostly talked about the prison of the castle actually.

The prisoners stayed in their cells with nothing but four concrete walls. They got three meals a day and only came out of their cells for one hour each day. thirty minutes to exercise, and thirty minutes for chapel. This is a picture of the chapel. They put those little doors between prisoners so that they couldn't interact with each other and cause trouble.
They also took us onto the castle walls where they had a lot of hangings. kinda creepy. But I got some really good pictures of the Lincoln Cathedral which is where we went next!

They gave us a tour of the cathedral which was cool, but the best part was the room where part of the DaVinci code was filmed! They briefly mentioned that they were embarrassed....but at least they're famous!

This is the room. I dont recognize it, but maybe you will???


The school offered a trip to Liverpool and so of course Kelcie and I went on it! It's the fourth largest city in England and if you dont know already, it's the home of the Beatles!

We went on "The Beatles Story" tour and it was actually quite interesting....despite the fact that I know like nothing about the beatles or their songs. They did a little walk tour/story about how they got together and how they became famous and blah blah blah. I just like the Yellow Submarine :)

They also told us that this famous picture........wasn't even photographed on this actual road. It was in a studio.....what a bummer!

And I guess by the end of the tour I was kind of a Jon Lennon wanna be....

So next we went to the International Slavery museum which I didn't take any pictures of but it was super interesting. It told of all the countries that did the slave trade and showed little videos of which country went to which part of Africa. I was surprised to find that even Brazil went to Africa for slaves....
There was also a special Titanic exhibit that was very neat. I think they have one similar in Florida that my parents went to. You started by taking a name of someone on the titanic. You hold onto it until you get to the end and find out if your person survived or not. I was Millvina Dean. You guys may or may not have heard of her but she was a baby on the titanic and ended up being the longest living survivor. Anyways, so Liverpool apparently had a lot to do with the titanic and they don't really like to talk about it much. 

Here's a picture.....I think you'll be able to read it....hopefully at least. But there were a lot of people from Liverpool that worked on the titanic and died.

Last but not least we went to Alberts Dock which is just a cool little place for tourists to go and eat or shop or whatever.

And that was the end of my weekend! Cold...but fun!

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