Friday 15 March 2013

Houses of Parliament

Today I got to go on a private tour of the Houses of Parliament in London! If you don't know where that is, then this might help you....

It's the building attached to Big Ben! We got to see the House of Lords, the House of Commons, and a lot of other rooms having to do with the Queen. It was so cool! Unfortunately they wouldnt let me take pictures except in one room :( but I found a couple on google so you can see :)

This is the visitors entrance

Westminster Hall. The only part of the building built by King Henry VII (I think) left standing after a fire

entrance to Westminster Hall

The House of Commons. They write and create laws (and other things that I don't know). All of the members are elected and they hold the most power. They party who holds the majority in the House makes up the government, which at the moment is the Conservatives.
Every wednesday at either 10 am or 12 pm (I cant remember) there is this things called "Prime Minster Question Time" where the members of Parliament can ask the Prime Minister questions. It's held in this room! I had seen it in class before so it was super cool to be there in person :)

This is the one I liked most, the House of Lords. It's super fancy! They have cushioned seats and at the front is the Queen's seat. The House of Lords is the upper legislative house in the UK's political system. It is involved in the law and policy making process. It has the power to amend and revise bills sent in from the House of Commons. I kind of think of it as the Senate and the House of Commons as Congress....although, I could be wrong haha.

It was so awesome though! I wish I could've taken pictures of every was so elaborate!!! 

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