Saturday 2 March 2013


Today we went on an adventure to Oxford! It was a pretty town but unfortunately it was graduation and a lot of the colleges were closed because of all the ceremonies. It wasn't a very eventful day but it was still fun! I took random pictures of things that I didn't really know what they were and I also got to see the place that inspired the cafeteria of Hogwarts. Are you seeing a theme in my posts? hahaha Kelcie calls me a nerd.....but I can't help it :)

                                    Bodleian Library. Surprised there aren't any books? me too. They would only let us in the outside, the inside was closed for tours.

The courtyard of Christ Church College (the place that inspired some of Harry Potter)

here's the cafeteria. we only got to see it for like two minutes because we had to catch our bus, but it was worth it!

And that's all I have! It was mostly just a chill day walking around oxford and enjoying the fact that the sun was out. Next weekend we go to Ireland AND it's my birthday! so excited!!!

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