Thursday 28 March 2013

Paris, France!

So last week we had a five day weekend to go to Paris!!!! It was so amazing and beautiful and I want to go back! Kelcie booked an apartment for us that was about a 30 minute walk from the eiffel tower which kind of sounds like a long walk but when you're in Paris it doesn't even matter :) The apartment was SO nice. We had a kitchen, living room, master bedroom, and a sauna. Our friend Alex cooked for us two out of the four nights we were there which was a major money saver! Unfortunately for him, he and the two other girls booked the chunnel to Paris at a later time than Kelcie and I. So when they got to Paris and went to buy tickets at the metro to get to the apartment a man offered to "help" them and scammed them pretty good. a ticket that should have cost 6 euros for all three of them combined ended up costing them 70 euros.....I'm still shaking my head over that one haha but at least Kelcie and I feel smart for not falling for it!
The first night we were there we couldn't help but go see the eiffel tower all lit up, so we left our apartment at 11 to see it! by the time we were done the metro was closed so we had to walk all the way back too :/ we were soooo tired. So the next day we got up early and went to the Palace of Versaille. It is the biggest palace in the world! and after walking FIVE hours around it and the gardens I now believe it! hahaha. We were exhausted by the time we got back to our place. That night we went walking around the city again. We were walking by the Seine River and decided we wanted up back by the street but we couldn't figure out how so we decided to jump a of our friends Amy jumped it in heels and blew out her knee.....we were so scared we were gonna have to take her to the hospital but luckily she can still walk on it but she has to have surgery when she gets back to America. The next day we went to the Eiffel Tower and WENT TO THE TOP!  I've been waiting to go to the top since I was nine years old, so it was definitely my favorite part!!! When we went back down we ate strawberry nutella crepes.....MMMMMM soooo gooooood!!! I would've had five if I could. We also saw the Arc de Triumph, Notre Dame Cathedral, Musee d'Orsay (has lots of Van Gogh and Monet in it), the Louvre, Lovers Lock Bridge, and did lots of shopping! To be honest, I can't believe I went inside ANY museums....I dont care how famous they are. After all the museums my mom dragged me to when I was little, I've seen enough for a lifetime.....hahhaha love you mom! but seriously, I thought maybe I would like them now that I'm older.....I don't. Although, some of our friends saw Owen Wilson riding his bicycle past the Louvre! If any of you have seen the Haunting, you'll know that he starred in it. Part of that movie was filmed here at Harlaxton! So, of course, they shouted at him and told him that they lived where the Haunting was filmed....if I can find the picture I'll post it on here.
So yeah, it was definitely my favorite trip so far :) I would go back in a heartbeat!!! Everything about it is so pretty, and it's even better at night!!!! You go there thinking that it won't be as great as what the movies make it out to be....but it is ;) Anywho, here's some pics! my computer is acting funny and it's not letting me upload pictures on facebook so here's a few but hopefully you can just look on facebook and look at Kelcie's :)

Hall of Mirrors

the back of Palace of Versailles

does this really need a caption?

Notre Dame


I put a lock on lover's lock bridge :)

it's full on either side!

Every ten minutes past the hour, it sparkles :)

in front of the Palace of Versailles
Louvre at night

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